
[動畫/創意廣告] 來自法國的美人魚(?)創意動畫廣告

[創意廣告] BMW的未來概念機車 - The BMW Motorrad VISION NEXT 100

[GAME/ 創意廣告 ] FFXV 裡的帥氣R8要開賣了

[創意廣告] 有趣的加洲節能廣告 Energy Upgrade California - It's Easy to Stay Golden

[Motion Graphics] Stranger Things Main Title

[創意廣告] Honda Kog

[創意廣告] Verizon - LTE A

[Motion Graphics] FOX+

[創意廣告] Churchill: Soft top car

[創意廣告] 2016 Paralympics Campaign ‘We're The Superhumans’

[創意廣告/VFX] Audi A3 - Next Level

[動畫/創意廣告] Amazon Prime Day Commercial 2016

[GAME] Unity 的 Realtime Render 影片 - Unity Adam demo

[ VR / 創意廣告 ] 來看看 Oculus Rift 的幾支宣傳片吧 !

[動畫] 2016 RenderMan Showreel

[創意廣告/ 動畫] LEGO Dimensions: E3 Trailer - New Adventures Await!

[Movie] 太空戰士15 - 王者之劍 E3預告片 KINGSGLAIVE FINAL FANTASY XV- Official E3 Trailer

[Motion Graphics] Xbox One S Reveal

[GAME] Injustice 2 遊戲預告片

[創意廣告] Fisherman's Friend: FlyBoardFishing

[MV] Coldplay - Up&Up

[Motion Graphics] D&AD 2016 Title Sequence

[Stop Motion] Radiohead新歌曲 - Burn The Witch

[創意廣告] SupportWithStyle - Lacoste

[創意廣告/2D動畫 ] Nescafe:一切都由這杯 Nescafe開始

[創意廣告] 法國道路安全廣告 French road safety presents "Loss of Control"

[業界新聞] AUTODESK 在 NAB 2016 發表 MAX 2017 和MAYA 2016 EXTENSION 2

[創意廣告] 2016 NBFF We're Being Watched

[創意廣告] The IBM Cloud: Designed for Data

[業界新聞] Lytro 的新攝影機,看樣子VFX又要再更進一步了

[創意廣告] 搞笑的食品廣告 "男人的食物" - Stryhns: Food for Men

[創意廣告] Uniqlo - This Way to Utopia

[VFX] "死侍" 高速公路戰鬥橋段視覺特效 breakdown - “Deadpool” Visual Effects Breakdown

[創意廣告] 微軟的2016國際婦女節廣告 - "妳想要發明什麼呢 ?" - International Women’s Day 2016: What are you going to make?

[創意廣告] 麥當勞超故意的指示牌廣告 ...

[創意廣告/ 動畫] OREO的360度廣告動畫 Discover the 360° world that inspired Filled Cupcake Flavored Oreo Cookies

[創意廣告] 法國的行車安全注意廣告 French road safety

[VFX] iloura 放出 《瘋狂麥斯- 憤怒道》 VFX 幕後製作

[GAME] 快打旋風V CG 預告片

[創意廣告] 高露潔發人省思的省水廣告 - Every Drops Counts

[VFX] MPC 放出《火星任務》特效製作短片 The Martian VFX breakdown

[GAME] 神奇寶貝 20週年的Super Bowl廣告 !


[創意廣告] 麥當勞的可愛動畫廣告 - Our journey of taste discovery has taken us around the world.

[創意廣告] 日本印章文具公司廣告 Shachihata Xstamper 50 and Failing

[創意廣告] 鮮明顏色對比的運動服飾廣告 - Björn Borg and Xu Box present SPORT COUTURE

[VFX/創意廣告] Nissan 小貨卡 Navara 的新廣告

[創意廣告] 一個有趣的戒菸...啊不是, 是汽車廣告