讓我想到10年前有一部廣告 Honda Cog , 當時也是用這種類似骨牌效應的方式的創意 , 非常轟動的一隻廣告 , 然後陸陸續續也有不少人開始把這個點子發揚光大 ,當然包括了以搞怪MV出名的OK GO , Nat Geo這隻比較有趣(?)的大概就是把真人也加入了骨牌效應的一份子吧 :)
This commercial remind me that about 10 yrs ago there has a Honda commercial Honda Cog , using this domino - style idea , it was a really famous ads at that time . Thus, there are a lot of following video expanded this idea , of course included the band which are famous by their creative MV OK GO .
I think the cool (?) things about this commercial is putting the real human inside the domino chain :)
Honda Cog